Employee photos at events

How to get perfect portraits without blowing up the event

Corporate events, conferences and team events are more than just networking and training: they also provide the perfect opportunity for employee photos. You not only save costs, but also significantly reduce the organizational effort. In this article, I explain the key criteria for successful employee photos at events.

“Everyone is finally together, my boss wants to have new portraits taken. Is that possible?”. This question is often asked, but the answer is complex.

First and foremost, it depends on what the desired result is. Are passport photos “enough” or should they be high-quality portraits that your colleagues like to use on the intranet, in their email signatures and on LinkedIn? If you only want simple passport photos, my services as a professional photographer may be superfluous. These photos are not suitable for a wide range of uses and often lead to dissatisfaction among the people photographed. Put simply, they are assembly line work.

Scheduling: Quality takes time

“There are 30 of us and we have half an hour. Is that enough?”

“No problem, I’ll come with eight photographers”.

The quality of a photo is directly proportional to the amount of time scheduled. I recommend at least 10 minutes per portrait to give employees the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the camera and find the best pose. This time investment will later be reflected in the satisfaction of the employees with the photos and their actual use.

The mental factor: fear of the camera

Bosses often underestimate how nerve-wracking it can be to be photographed. Nobody wants to let on that they feel uncomfortable. But if the result isn’t right, the photos are more likely to end up in the poison cupboard instead of on your LinkedIn profile.

My recommendation: If possible, plan the photo shoot over a longer period of time during the day parallel to the event instead of scheduling it at a fixed time. The employees then come to the photographer one at a time.

Sure, this creates more “background noise” at your event, but overall it’s more relaxed than squeezing everything into a time slot where everything has to work. And eight photographers, as in the example, must first fit into the budget.

Preparation: the key to success

To get photos that are truly representative and professional, it is important that your employees are optimally prepared. This checklist will help you prepare.

  • Choosing the photographer: Choosing the right photographer is crucial. A good photographer must be able to quickly establish a relationship with the employees in order to obtain authentic photos. He is a mixture of a clown and a people person. Photographing employees all day is a marathon, because the last photo has to be just as good as the first. The best way to find out who suits you is in a personal interview.
  • Room selection: An isolated or discreet room is ideal to give employees privacy during the shoot.
  • Information and communication: Don’t make the photo shoot a surprise. Otherwise, many people tend to feel caught off guard and no longer have the chance to prepare themselves. Whether it’s a visit to the hairdresser or choosing the right clothes. Explain to your employees what the images are to be used for, what significance this has for your company and why this is important for the employee. This significantly increases the participation rate and also the punctuality of the photographer.
  • Planning tools: In principle, you can create a simple list with a schedule to coordinate your employees. Advanced is a modern web-based planning application where colleagues can book their own slot. You can even be reminded by text message that your shoot is coming up.

Conclusion: In the end, only the pictures count. Never the circumstances.

Careful planning and preparation are crucial to the success of the project. Remember: In the end, everyone only looks at the photos, not the circumstances of their creation. A well-planned photo shoot is a valuable investment that pays off in many ways: from employee satisfaction to the external image of the company.

Picture of Patrick Lux

Patrick Lux

Moin, ich bin Patrick Lux, Fotograf aus Hamburg. Warum ich gerne Events fotografiere? Weil die Begegnung zwischen Menschen immer wieder spannend erlebe. Der Moment ist oft viel zu kurz ist, um die Bedeutung zu verstehen. Eventfotos sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Veranstaltung in den Köpfen bleibt.