Event video Hamburg

Your event in moving pictures

Event films are the captivating way to bring your event to life for visitors and the public.
For website, YouTube, LinkedIn and social media.

fans bei einer veranstaltung in hamburg

Films convey emotions!

Whether it's a large event report or a short social media clip:
Video recordings convey emotions and content visually and acoustically and reach us between the heart and mind.
Exactly where you want to be remembered by your guests.

I realize event films for you that achieve exactly that.
Whether as a one-man show or with a large team, we decide exactly according to your needs.

"How much" Video do you really need?

Is it the comprehensive, multi-minute event report with sound bites, tracking shots and drone flights?
Or is the "small cutlery" enough to achieve your goal?

In a personal consultation, we narrow down the endless possibilities to exactly what makes the most sense for you and does not exceed your budget.

Plus mobile device